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Queen Camel Parish Council crest
Queen Camel village

Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plans were introduced following the Government's Localism Act of 2011 and aim to give local people more influence about how their area is developed. Queen Camel is a parish steeped in history with valuable heritage and a community that should be supported and encouraged to develop. The Plan sets out policies and projects that will guide the parish council in its work and the Plan itself will be kept under review.

The Queen Camel Neighbourhood Plans has the same legal status as the Local Plan (and other documents that form part of the statutory development plan). Applications for planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan, unless material considerations indicate otherwise.

The Queen Camel Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan) went to Referendum on 6th on May 2021. The result was overwhelmingly in favour of the Plan with 224 votes for and 22 against. The turnout was 30.44 % of the electorate.

On 3rd June 2021 SSDC District Executive, it agreed that the Neighbourhood Plan for Queen Camel should be 'Made'.